Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's been a while since i left my blog and start the new semester. this blog is part of my english assignments when i was in the first semester. now i'm in the third semester. can u imagine how long did i left my blog??? as i continue living in this world of campus life there are many things goes on and on.. actually today i feel bored and don't know what to do.. i think my english is getting poor in terms of my vocabulary..i think(hehe..) life is like a dream.. i'm now waiting for my final examination to begin.. it's study week though.. in my 'bz'ness(which i don't know how to spell or does it really exists??hurm..he3) i forgot to bring my books. so i can't do the revision(always the reason for not studying.. :) ) it's time to go.. bored..bored..bored.. arios..